Elite Classic Model EGD
Offset handle style with slim pointed blades and thumb adjustable screw system. Gold Titanium coated.
Elite Classic Model EJB
Offset handle style with permanent finger rest and split screw system. Convex Edge slim pointed blades suitable for slide and point cut.
Elite Classic Model EJP
Offset handle style with permanent finger rest and split screw system. Convex Edge slim pointed blades suitable for slide and point cut.
Material: 440 Stainless with Pink Titanium
Elite Classic Model EP
Offset, Anatomical bent thumb and permeant Finger rest handle with sleek slim convex edge Blade. medium weight.
Elite Classic Model EQ
Offset, anatomical bent thumb hole and fixed finger rest. Slim pointed convex edge blades.
Elite Classic Model ERPT
Nicely engraved Offset handle style with super convex edge blades and thumb adjuster.
Elite Classic Model ESR
Slightly offset anatomical wide thumb hole and removable finger rest. Slim pointed convex edge blades. Rainbow Titanium finish.